How does Zinc help in the metabolism of Children?


Zinc is a necessary mineral and one of the most critical nutrients for growing bodies. It is important for children’s proper growth and development because it is essential for the formation of new tissues. Zinc is also required for the activity of over 100 distinct enzymes in the body and is involved in:

Immune function – Zinc promotes healthy immune function in children and may lower the frequency of minor upper respiratory tract infections. Inadequate zinc intake may result in poor immune function and increased susceptibility to disease.

Zinc increases the formation of collagen, which aids in the formation of bones and the preservation of bone strength, as well as the development of cartilage for healthy joints.

Carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism – Zinc is essential for carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism and is thus vital for getting the most out of the food children eat.

Minor wound healing – Zinc is a mineral that is required for wound healing. It is thus especially useful for children, who are prone to minor cuts and grazes.

Maintaining a healthy appetite – Adequate zinc aids in the maintenance of a healthy appetite. When zinc levels are low over time, it might cause a loss of appetite, which isn’t ideal for children who are growing quickly and are generally picky eaters.

Zinc is vital in the maintenance of good health because it affects the structure of proteins and cell membranes.

Zinc has antioxidant qualities and may aid in the reduction of free radical damage in the body.


It is advised that children aged one to three receive 3mg of zinc daily, children aged four to eight receive 4mg daily, and children aged nine to thirteen receive 6mg daily. This can be accomplished through a balanced diet or by taking a zinc supplement.


Oysters contain more zinc than any other food, but your children are unlikely to enjoy these chewy and slimy shellfish. Zinc can also be present in the kid-friendly foods listed below:

  • Beef
  • Chops de porc
  • Beans in the oven
  • Breast of chicken
  • Cashews
  • Chickpeas
  • Cheddar, mozzarella, and Swiss
  • Oats
  • Almonds
  • Beans from the kidney
  • Peas
  • Lobster and crab

Despite your best efforts, it’s conceivable that your children aren’t getting enough zinc from their diet due to picky eating habits or other causes. A specialized kids’ multivitamin with zinc may be good to supplement their diet and ensure they obtain the zinc their growing bodies require. This will help them have a healthy start in life by supporting their healthy growth and development, immunological function, metabolism, bone health, and minor wound healing.

Discover which Cenovis product may be right for you.

Zinc supplements work best when taken at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. Zinc supplements, on the other hand, can be taken with a meal if they cause stomach distress. If you take your zinc supplement with meals, you should inform your doctor.


Medicines in this class will have various doses for different people. Follow your doctor’s orders or the label’s instructions. The following data only reflects the average doses of these medications. If your dose differs, do not modify it unless your doctor instructs you to.

The amount of medicine you take is determined by the strength of the medicine. In addition, the number of dosages you take each day, the duration between doses, and the length of time you take the medicine are all determined by the medical problem for which you are using the medicine.

Inc is one of the most important new health interventions that is only now being scaled up in Bangladesh and, perhaps, will be applied in other countries shortly. It, like ORS and the measles vaccination, has the potential to be one of the most cost-effective health treatments for child survival. When research first began, it was expected that it could help improve diarrhea therapy in some ways, but it has turned out to be a true lifesaver.

For oral administration (capsules, lozenges, tablets, and extended-release tablets):

To avoid deficiency, the amount taken orally is based on the usual daily recommended intakes (Note that the normal daily recommended intakes are expressed as an actual amount of zinc.

Dose Omitted

If you forget to take a dose of this medication, take it as soon as possible. If your next dose is approaching, skip the missing dose and resume your regular dosing regimen. Do not take two doses.

There is no need to be concerned if you skip taking zinc supplements for one or more days because it takes time for your body to become substantially zinc deficient. However, if your doctor has prescribed zinc, try to remember to take it on a daily basis.


Keep out of children’s reach.

Store the medication at room temperature in a well-sealed container away from heat, moisture, and direct light. Prevent freezing.

Do not keep expired or no longer-needed medications.


Healthcare delivery networks

Zinc treatment must be established and supported within the public, commercial, and non-governmental service-delivery systems in order to reach all children with diarrhea. Each of these systems has its own set of strengths and shortcomings, which must be considered during the planning stages. Unanswered questions include whether zinc treatment can be introduced through community health workers or depot holders, the impact of over-the-counter zinc availability on health-care utilization, and the misuse of zinc for untested disorders such as acute respiratory tract infections, poor growth, and loss of appetite.


Treatment of childhood diarrhea with zinc has been considered to be one of the most cost-effective therapies available as a preventive approach. Nonetheless, due to the sheer frequency of childhood diarrhea, the expenses borne by households or the public or private sectors could be significant. What the long-term impact of a successful scaling-up effort will be remains to be seen. It is reasonable to expect that an initial investment in zinc treatment will eventually result in lower expenditure on other pharmaceuticals, particularly antibiotics, as well as expenditures averted by avoiding subsequent disease episodes. Decision-makers will be hesitant to commit public or other subsidized financial resources, such as NGO clinics unless these assumptions are tested and relevant information is communicated. Another barrier confronting the private sector, notably the pharmaceutical industry, is the existing lack of reliable data on which to forecast product demand and pricing.

Zinc and iron together

Early childhood iron and zinc deficits are frequent. The obvious conclusion is to treat both problems together. It is unclear if this combination approach should be considered a public-health policy; in fact, there is currently worry about utilizing an iron on a regular basis in malaria-endemic areas. It is well recognized that zinc treatment has a negative impact on serum iron levels in children. Evidence is now accumulating indicating, while children receive iron supplements, the effects of zinc supplementation in terms of lower morbidity are wiped out—at least in malaria-prone areas. Prior to implementing policies in favor of combination supplementation, it will be necessary to examine different supplementation and zinc-treatment procedures and ensure these results in the desired therapeutic effects. Finally, depending on a child’s nutritional state and the severity of his or her micronutrient status, combined therapy may have a distinct impact. This needs more research.

Influence on diarrhea management techniques and drug use: What will happen to present diarrhea-management strategies once zinc therapy is introduced? Will zinc be added to existing treatments such as ORS (desirable) and antibiotics (undesirable)? Will providers and pharma companies see zinc as an opportunity or a threat, and why? Given that Bangladesh is experiencing the first national scaling up of zinc, it is impossible to forecast how this will alter current processes, emphasizing the need of having in place the capacity to monitor for potential desired and undesired changes in management practices.

Diarrhea in children can be managed at home.

Bangladeshi caregivers utilize ORS at the highest rate in the world. As zinc treatment for childhood diarrhea is offered through mass media and promotion, we must expand on this success. Caretakers will have easy access to zinc because it will be accessible over the counter in stores without a prescription. The task will be to design and validate the efficacy of public education aimed at improving household management practices.


Zinc is an important vitamin for your child’s general health. Because it is a trace mineral, it is only required in trace amounts. Because the human body cannot produce it and cannot store it, your child requires a particular amount of zinc every day.

Zinc is essential for several functions in children. It is compatible with:

Normal development and growth (a deficiency can lead to stunted growth)

  • Cellular protein and DNA production
  • The intestine and liver have enzyme functions.
  • Immune function, both innate and adaptive
  • Healing of wounds
  • Healthy digestion and metabolism
  • Brain development that is healthy, as well as cognitive function, memory, and attention
  • Skin, hair, and nails that are in good condition
  • Free radical damage to cells is reduced (zinc is an antioxidant)
  • Sexual development that is healthy
  • The taste and smell senses
  • Blood sugar balance
  • Teeth and bones that are strong
  • Vitamin A absorption


The amount of zinc your child need is determined by their age. The National Institutes of Health recommends the following zinc dietary allowances (RDA) for children who are neither vegan or vegetarian (more on this below):

2 milligrams for ages 0-6 months

3 milligrams for 7-12 months

3 milligrams for children aged 1-3 years

5 milligrams for children aged 4 to 8 years.

8 milligrams for children aged 9 to 13.

14-18 years old: 9 milligrams for females and 11 milligrams for males

While many plant-based sources contain zinc, they also contain phytates, which bind to zinc and limit absorption. So, if your child’s zinc consumption is primarily from plant-based meals, they will most likely require at least 50% more zinc to meet their daily requirements. If your 15-year-old daughter is vegan, for example, she should aim for 13.5 milligrams of plant-based zinc each day.

Other techniques for reducing the impact of phytates on zinc absorption from plant-based sources include soaking, fermenting, or heating the food. Furthermore, some plants, such as garlic and onion, operate as mineral absorption boosters, and cooking with them can increase zinc absorption by up to 50%.