Making Smarter Choices Can Help To Improve Your Child’s Health

Protect and nurture the health of your kids with a good quality Probiotic
Slavea Manahilova
Holistic Nutritionist (Certified Nutritional Practitioner)
Probiotics may seem new to the food and supplement industry, but they have been with us from our first breath. During a delivery through the birth canal, a newborn picks up the bacteria Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, and Escherichia coli from his/her mother. These good bacteria are not transmitted when a Cesarean section is performed and have been shown to be the reason why some infants born by C-section have allergies, less than optimal immune systems, and lower levels of gut microflora.
The root of the word probiotic comes from the Greek word pro, meaning “promoting,” and biotic, meaning “life.” The discovery of probiotics came about in the early 20th century, when Elie Metchnikoff, known as the “father of probiotics,” had observed that rural dwellers in Bulgaria lived to very old ages despite extreme poverty and harsh climate. He theorized that health could be enhanced and senility delayed by manipulating the intestinal microbiome with host-friendly bacteria found in sour milk. Since then, research has continued to support his findings along with suggesting even more benefits.
Many studies have been done on Probiotics reporting great results, according to Harvard Medical School, “Microbes in the lower intestinal tract help us digest food, fight harmful bacteria, and regulate the immune system. But sometimes an imbalance of microbes occurs, leading to diarrhea and other health problems. When the gut becomes unbalanced with unhealthy levels of certain bacteria, probiotics can help restore the balance. They’ve been shown to secrete protective substances, which may turn on the immune system and prevent pathogens from taking hold and creating major disease.”
Probiotics are beneficial bacterial strains that can be found in a number of sources – but two, in particular, stand out thanks to their popularity: yogurt and probiotic supplements. Both help to augment your body’s existing healthy bacteria population, and adding either to your daily routine is better than nothing. However, which is more effective when it comes to introducing a broad range of probiotics to your body?
Probiotic Supplement or Yogurt
While yogurt may help provide some level of digestive support and can be a delicious addition to any diet, it simply can’t compete with the best probiotic supplements for children. There are several factors that cause this dairy product to come up short in delivering both high numbers of probiotics and the right probiotic strains to benefit your digestive tract. While some yogurts are probiotic-rich, many yogurts on the market have no active probiotic strains at all. Many of the pasteurization and sterilization processes that commercially-available yogurt is subjected to could kill all the live microorganisms that otherwise naturally occur in yogurt. Even when yogurt does have live probiotics, the particular type of starter culture used to produce the yogurt can have a huge effect on how many active probiotic strains survive until you take that first bite. A study conducted by researchers at California Polytechnic State University found that the number of viable probiotic strains in different yogurts can be reduced exponentially if certain starter cultures are used.
How is our probiotic supplement different from other probiotics on the market?
Probiotics are defined by the World Health Organization as “live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.” Worldwide, there are numerous strains of probiotics used in dietary supplements and foods, but most are unstable at room temperature and need to be freeze-dried or encapsulated via special processes to remain viable during manufacturing, storage, and exposure to stomach acid and bile. Consequently, for most probiotics, only a very small percentage of the starting material is actually viable at the end of shelf life. Bacillus coagulans is a notable exception which, due to its sporulated form, survives without special handling and proliferates in the gastrointestinal environment.
allKiDz® Probiotic Gummies is a pediatrician favorite formula as it helps to support your child’s digestive, immune systems and tummy aches using Bacillus coagulans and it’s a delicious yogurt flavored chewable gummy, while at the same time is free of gluten, wheat, yeast, eggs, fish, lactose, mustard, peanuts, sesame, shellfish, soy, tree nuts, preservatives, artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners.
Probiotics for kids are one of the best ways to make sure your child has a balanced digestive and immune systems. Regular dosage of probiotics helps prevent and reduce the risks of many health concerns that parents face. If you’re looking for ways to help your kid’s current problems, such as diarrhea and/or constipation, intestinal gas, respiratory tract infection or boosting the immune system, allKiDz® Probiotic Gummies may be helpful.
As it is with every natural supplement, please, remember to consult with your child’s pediatrician for the best probiotic option for your kids, prior to using any of the suggestions or products, discussed within this article.
While probiotics can be very helpful with many health symptoms and concerns, caution needs to be taken by everyone who chooses to take probiotic supplements:
• The safety of supplements in pregnant women, nursing mothers, and those with medical conditions or who are taking medications has not been established.
• B. coagulans may interfere with antibiotics and immunosuppressant medications. Discuss your use of these drugs with your doctor before taking this supplement.
• Be aware that probiotics of all kinds may trigger allergic reactions.