Celebrate Sweet in the Sugarless Way

Slavea Manahilova Holistic Nutritionist (Certified Nutritional Practitioner)   Maintaining and improving the health of your kids, naturally has always been a dream of parents. However, most of the Multivitamin formulas on the market claimed to be “natural”, still contain potentially harmful ingredients such as sugar, synthetic sweeteners, synthetic preservatives, food dies or fillers.   Sugar…

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The First Supplement for Your Baby – Now VEGAN!

Dr. Juliana Rosario Yeung ND, BScAgr, BSc   Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that has major roles in a developing baby. A major deficiency in vitamin D can lead to rickets, a condition where bones are weak and soft, causing development delays to skeletal deformities.   Babies need 400 IU per day of vitamin…

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The Importance of Lutein of Children’s Health

Carotenoids are vital to a child’s health providing antioxidant properties to aid their growth. Lutein is a dietary carotenoid found in yellow, orange and red fruits and vegetables as well as leafy green vegetables. Lutein has been known for its strong supportive role in eye health, especially in decreasing the risk of age-related eye diseases.…

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Multivitamins for Kids – Are They Necessary? by Sherry Torkos

As a pharmacist, one of the most common questions that I get from parents is whether their children should take multivitamins. In most cases my response is a resounding yes!   Let’s face it – most children are picky eaters. They have their favourite foods and often that doesn’t include broccoli, spinach, and kale. Greens…

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The Importance of Vitamin D and Babies

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for our babies! We as humans absorb UVB rays from the sun in order to produce Vitamin D naturally in our skin! Our babies are very gentle, especially in the early stages of their lives and exposure to the sun is not recommended. So, how do babies get Vitamin…

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